Since the begining of the pandemic, the world has seen an unprecedented move to curb the spread of a virus. Governments did away with previous pandemic measures and instructed people to lock down and wait patiently for a new experimental vaccine produced by companies fined billions for fraud in the past for previous products. Public health officials mentioned nothing about other treatments that could help with the outcome of the virus. Instead, we were subjected to a never before seen orchestrated propaganda program within the MSM and government public health messaging, which only promoted the vaccine as the only solution.

While massive protests appeared in every capital city, doctors were silenced, their offices raided, and censorship went into overdrive with the shutting down of any other opinion. Along with zero recognition of natural immunity. More disturbingly as the data began to reveal the massive amount of adverse reactions caused by the vaccines and the omission by a Pfizer executive that the vaccine was never tested on transmissibility. At the same time, other countries suspended the vaccines for certain demographics due to the growing list of adverse reactions. Instead of changing course when new data came to light, governments continued to push the experimental product and indeed maintained mandates for certain industries. While the masses queued up like pharma zombies eager for their fix of booster after booster.

Add this to the collateral damage of lockdowns, mental health stress in locations such as Melbourne, Australia, which saw the longest lockdown in the world, which also resulted in more fatalities from covid than any other state in Australia. Here we are,  years later, trying to make sense of what has happened to our society all for a virus that has a 98% survival rate. What has happened to people’s bodies? and, most of all, what has happened to people’s minds?

alt.tv provides a valuable platform and critical resource for the ongoing absurdity unfolding around us. A platform that brings together valuable information to help inform critical thinkers, it provides essential information based on heath, truth and freedom, which are increasingly in short supply these days. The pandemic provided the ‘emergency’ to usher in a centralised control grid for all of society: including Digital ID, Centralised Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) and other agendas of the forthcoming great reset agenda. We need to stay informed, and we need to act now!

Penned by DUH